Announcement 1/17/2023
Some highlights for this semester:
February 13 WHS Pop's Concert (Concert and Symphonic Bands-7PM Lecture Hall)
February 15 Mock Contest for Solo and Small Ensembles
February 22 MRVC Conference Band Chair Auditions at Oak Grove 3PM (nominations from Ray)
February 25 UCM Jazz Festival
February 28 Conference Band- All Day at Oak Grove
March 3 Pitt State Jazz Festival
March 16 Meet the Tigers-Drumline and Winterguard- Call time 5:30PM
March 21 Winterguard/Jazz Bands/Drumline/Bands Pre-Contest Concert 6PM
March 22 Large Ensemble-Laura Speed Elliot MS, Boonville
March 23-25 Chicago Trip
March 31 MSHSAA District Solo/Small Ensemble (State Fair)- 3PM-9PM
April 17-18 Fall Guard Auditions (5-8PM)
April 26 WMS Band Concert at 6:30PM at WMS (set-up crew help!! 5:00PM)
April 28 MSHSAA State Solo/Small Ensemble at MU
May 1 WHS Bands Finale Concert 7PM Lecture Hall (call time 6:45PM)
May 3 Fine Arts Festival (State Golds Perform) and Jazz Band Performs Concert-6:30PM
May 6 Band-quet (Awards ceremony/dinner) 6PM
May 20 Graduation (Band performs)
Some highlights for this semester:
February 13 WHS Pop's Concert (Concert and Symphonic Bands-7PM Lecture Hall)
February 15 Mock Contest for Solo and Small Ensembles
February 22 MRVC Conference Band Chair Auditions at Oak Grove 3PM (nominations from Ray)
February 25 UCM Jazz Festival
February 28 Conference Band- All Day at Oak Grove
March 3 Pitt State Jazz Festival
March 16 Meet the Tigers-Drumline and Winterguard- Call time 5:30PM
March 21 Winterguard/Jazz Bands/Drumline/Bands Pre-Contest Concert 6PM
March 22 Large Ensemble-Laura Speed Elliot MS, Boonville
March 23-25 Chicago Trip
March 31 MSHSAA District Solo/Small Ensemble (State Fair)- 3PM-9PM
April 17-18 Fall Guard Auditions (5-8PM)
April 26 WMS Band Concert at 6:30PM at WMS (set-up crew help!! 5:00PM)
April 28 MSHSAA State Solo/Small Ensemble at MU
May 1 WHS Bands Finale Concert 7PM Lecture Hall (call time 6:45PM)
May 3 Fine Arts Festival (State Golds Perform) and Jazz Band Performs Concert-6:30PM
May 6 Band-quet (Awards ceremony/dinner) 6PM
May 20 Graduation (Band performs)